The first-trimester is NO JOKE. I was not prepared mentally, physically, or emotionally for those first 13 weeks. But there were some things that helped me get through including lots of sleep, moral support from family, and a VERY understanding employer. I'm sharing my "must-have's" in this post for others to see (and hopefully find some value in) and for myself to look back on!
Morning-sickness AKA all-day/night-sickness was pretty rough for me. Specifically in weeks 5-8 and 10-13. I used many things to help combat nausea and vomiting. Some of the things I could not live with out included:
SeaBands- My dad got me these in week 4 and I wore them all day and all night through the entire first trimester. I'm not sure if it was psychological but I felt so sick without them on. Luckily it was winter so I could wear long sleeves/jackets to work and I didn't look funny.
Aromatherapy Inhalers- I used this Morning Sickness Relief Inhaler from Mother Mother and it worked wonders. I would smell it on the way to work, in the car, and often times feel asleep with it right under my nose at night.
Preggie Pop Drops - These hard candies were great during those first few weeks. They are really sour and help keep nausea at bay. My only complaint is that they are so large that I would gag at first until they dissolved a bit. I also only bought one pack of these- but I wanted to get more, they were just always out of stock online.
Water!- And lot's of it. I was (and still am) so thirsty all the time. Drinking many large ice-cold bottles of water a day really helped my nausea and fatigue. It did not help with the excessive peeing though.
Yogurt- Specifically these Chobani Yogurt Drinks. This was and still is my breakfast every morning! It helps coat my stomach!
For my prenatal, I could only stomach the Flintstones Vitamines. I had to up my iron so I got these that have added iron. They have been great so far!
What’s the official due date? August 25, 2020
Am I showing at all? I got a serious bloat at 9 weeks, but it came and went. At the time I am writing this I am almost 13 weeks and have a small pooch!
How did I tell Danny? Danny was with me when we found out- it was very early in the morning. A very funny/ special moment. We found out at 4 weeks exactly.
How did we tell our family? We told Danny's parents and siblings on Christmas Eve. We told my parents on Christmas. We then told our extended family members after our first appointment at 8 weeks.
Have I had any aversions or cravings? Craving sweets, especially Strawberry Pop-Tarts, Chocolate. I also craved salad and veggies until I couldn't stomach them. Yogurt, chips, bagels with cream cheese, toast, and coffee. EGGS and HASBROWS were the death of me. The smell made me SO SICK.
Weight Gain? So far I have gained about 3-4lbs. It kinda comes and goes depending on how I'm feeling. I actually lost 5 lbs during the first trimester but gained it back by the start of the second!